Vision and Mission Statements
The vision of Dominguez High School is to empower students to become resilient, responsible and contributing participants in their communities to develop the skills necessary to compete in a global society.
The mission of Dominguez High School is to equip all students for post-secondary success in a 21st Century global society through cultural relevance, quality instruction, supportive relationships, and exposure to opportunities. We aim to accomplish this by creating an emotionally, intellectually, and physically safe learning environment for all.
Love by honoring and respecting others, maintaining high expectations for self and others, and keeping our campus safe and clean
Listening with empathy and always listen actively before sharing thoughts, ideas, questions, or solutions
Leading responsibly in the classroom and during school activities by following others with integrity and working together to reach goals
Learning every day by being reflective in behavior and learning, making connections, innovating and inventing, and thinking critically to solve all problems
Alma Mater
To Thee Dominguez High School
The Campus that we love,
For the knowledge gained and
Friends attained,
We thank our God above,
We'll fight for you Dominguez,
To you we'll be true,
Your name we'll praise through
all our days,
And be thankful unto you!